Download Krita = For PC 2024
Many of us cannot use Photoshop. This is due to the exorbitant price of the program and to the complexity of the program. We resort to searching for a simple and free alternative to drawing and creating designs. Creta is a program dedicated to drawing and is considered the best alternative because of its simplicity and the many features and features that exist in it and is not found in Photoshop besides that it is open source and free Available for most operating systems.
How to download Creta photo editing app
First: We provide you with a free download of the Krita 64 bit program for the computer with a direct link, all you have to do is click on the word download and you will go to the download page for the Krita program for the computer 2021 then wait until the countdown ends and you will notice that the Krita 2021 program for the computer is downloaded to your device automatically.
Second: You delete the program on your computer after the download is complete, and then you begin creating your design.
Important shortcuts to help you use Krita
- To change the position of the image, you press the number 4 or the number 6 and you press the number 5 to deselect the position of the image and return it to its original position.
- To move an image or item from one place to another, we press the letter t, and to make an amendment to that element, we press ctrl + t
- To reduce or enlarge the design, we press Ctrl + alt or the + symbol twice on the keyboard.
Krita photo editing features
- The application is free and open-source, which allows you to download the source of the Kurds and amend it.
- The program is available on operating systems other than Windows, namely Linux and Mac.
- Creta outperforms Photoshop in digital drawing or drawing three-dimensional shapes and the program is dedicated to these types of graphics.
- Inside the Creta website, there is a section for teaching and explaining the basics of using the software.
- There are many distinct tools that are not present in most image design programs such as the color filter tool, a tool that dissects the right colors for your drawing and a tool to install the brush in which you draw to avoid the zigzags that occur during drawing.
- Krita program contains an advanced color selection tool that includes a very large number of hues and a popup, meaning you can install it next to the design.
- Creta has many brushes in different shapes.
- Do not worry about downloading the photo editing program for the computer 2020, the size of the program is very small compared to the size of Photoshop and other design programs, and the site allows you to download old versions in case you do not like updating the program.
Disadvantages of the Creta program
The program is flawed because it requires specific specifications, the program does not work with lower specifications than these specifications, and Windows 7 or a higher copy and 2 GB RAM.
In the end, it should be remembered that the program is intended for drawing and design and not for modification of images, such as Photoshop.