Download UNFOLD = For Android
Want to tell a story on social networks with a decent presentation? Are you a foundation manager or a storytelling? Well, then you should get an Unfold app, whichvides you with the tools to give your story an engaging and eye-catching format.
This method helps you to create content that attracts someone’s attention on WhatsApp, Facebook, or Instagram, as thegramvides templates and features to present your ideas appropriately and adapt to the type of message you want to convey.
Here are its main functions:
- Dozens of templates that adapt to your interest style.
- Various text fonts.
- Advanced editing tools that allow us to create a mood for our story.
- Support videos and photos to revive our story.
- Export HD stories to share on artist platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, or Facebook.
The only downside is that some of its tools are only available with the help of in-app purchases.